What is Rotary Means Business(RMB)?
Trusted people with superpowers to do good and accelerate fellow Rotarians in their businesses or careers.
We follow build, measure & improve model
Problem-solving model, process, sharing successes, and failures. (Yes, RMB is a safe place)
November 18th, 7:30 a.m.
What's a leading indicator worth?
Lagging or Leading Indicators. Is it a "V", "canoe" or a cliff?
Now more than ever, join this conversation with top-flight Rotarians.
January 2nd, 7:30 a.m.
The Best Questions Ever!
Participate in a robust group of leaders and learn their most important questions to guide their understanding and decisions.
Relationships-Fellowships-Comrodery, Surrogate Network (Rotarians) Imbue Rotarian "library of knowledge", engage Rotarian superpowers (not so much about their current job)
Learning. Green and growing means sustainability
Why it's of value
Trust, Power of the pin
Gives members the business edge
Access to an enormous library of knowledge.
Who can benefit from RMB?
All Rotarians. Not just business owners or working Rotarians
30 Minutes. Third Wednesday at 7:30 am
12-16-20 No RMB
7-21-21 No RMB
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